More Problems with Your Commute

As a follow-up to our earlier blog post (The True Cost of Commuting), we’ve found yet another reason for you to be working from home: Commuting can kill. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. BUT, according to a study published in the BMC Public Health Journal, a team of Swedish researches performed a variety [...]

The True Cost of Commuting

Commuting can be expensive - more expensive than most people realize. Thanks to this handy infographic from Streamline Refinance (put together with data from Y Combinator and Mr. Money Mustache) we can now get a better idea of how much it actually costs to go back and forth to work every day. It seems to [...]

File Sharing and Remote Working

The Internet is pretty darn cool, and the advent of cloud technology (like file sharing) means we can work and play online like never before. There are a lot of web applications available that let users share files: some are free (though the free services tend to put severe restrictions on what you can do [...]