FilesDIRECT At Microsoft Mix 11

Hello FilesDIRECT users / followers,

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Ross Mann and I am the Product Manager and one of the developers for FilesDIRECT. The head of our development team and I will be making a trip to the Microsoft Mix convention (#mix11) Tuesday and I thought this would be a great opportunity for getting parts of our other team writing to our followers and perhaps giving people some insight to the Web world at the same time.

As many of you might already know, the application portion of our product is mainly developed in, however, we recently converted our public facing site into a WordPress application - so far with great success (read more about it here) . Oddly enough, there will be a focus on using WordPress as a business tool in the Microsoft environment at Mix 11.

This should be an exciting visit and of course Vegas is always a great place to travel. I am looking forward to learning about all the new Web technology and how we can apply it to FilesDIRECT to provide you with a faster,  more reliable, and better service.

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