Your session has encountered a problem and cannot continue at this time. We
apologize for any inconvenience you may experience as a result of this problem.
The server may be too busy to handle your request at this time. Wait
a few moments, click the Back button on your browser and re-attempt the
operation you were trying before you received this message.
If you are consistently redirected to this page, then your session may have become
corrupted. Close your browser window and restart it. Browse back to, log in again and re-attempt
the operation you were trying. If are still redirected to this page then the
problem will need to be addressed by the FilesDIRECT staff.
The FilesDIRECT support staff has been notified that you received this message and
they have the details of how and why this problem occurred.
They will be working as quickly as possible to resolve the problem.
Service Provider's contact information:
Contact Name: Files Direct
Phone: 1-888-520-3999
Fax: 1-403-571-5583
Email: info[at]