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Why Should Sending Files be Complicated?

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Trying to email large files is a process filled with limitations and problems, and even though it’s a popular method to send files, you shouldn’t risk losing your work to it.  Low file size limits and a tendency for messages to disappear without any kind of notice are all reasons to switch to something new. Now, you can quickly and safely email large attachments to anyone, anywhere in the world with FilesDIRECT.

(Photo credit)

Using one-click send and a secure SSL encryption, FilesDIRECT is the best and most convenient web based file transfer service available. 

Whether you are a large enterprise business needing to email thousands of confidential documents or a small graphic design firm trying to get dozens of large Photoshop files to the printers, FilesDIRECT is the perfect solution.  In addition, no FTP or tech knowledge is required, just click to upload your file and emails are instantly sent to both you and the recipient letting everyone know the files are ready to be downloaded.

(Photo credit)

Have questions?  Want to try FilesDIRECT?  Sign-up for our FREE trial and start emailing large files right now.


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